Defense of first ATLANTIS PhD

On Friday the 13th of September Marthe Alnes Høiberg defended her PhD thesis with the title “Towards inclusion of plastic pollution in Life Cycle Assessments: Impacts of entanglement from species to ecosystem quality level”. Marthe has written about the impacts of plastic entaglement within life cycle impact assessment and has conducted a study for Hawaiian turtles in  more details.

Marthes defense started with a trial lecture on the topic “Assessing damage on marine ecosystem quality in LCA: recent developments and future needs”. Marthe did a great job to present the ongoing developments in our field in a pedagogic way and has presented excellent reflections for future developments.

The defense itself was a very good presentation followed with an excellent  exchange of questions and answers with the two opponents Arnaud Hélias and Elena Corella-Puertas.

Marthe did an excellent job and we are all very proud of her!