LC-IMPACT: a new spatially differentiated life cycle impact assessment method

LC-IMPACT was originally a project financed by the seventh framework program of the European Union. During the project many new models and approaches for assessing impacts on ecosystems and human health within a life cycle assessment framework were developed. However, an overarching combination of all these developments was lacking.
This is what some of the researchers aimed to do after the end of the project and we have spent the last years to try and make the different models as compatible as possible. At the same time, we aimed for including spatially explicit characterization factors wherever possible and relevant. Today we proudly present the framework publication of this endeavor. You can find the open source publication here.
The report and the characterization factors can be downloaded here.
The marine ecosystem is, however, still underrepresented in LC-IMPACT and we hope that we can contribute with our work in the ATLANTIS project to change this.