Atlantis-ERC Publication: Effect factors for marine invasion impacts on biodiversity Biological invasions are considered one of the five greatest drivers to biodiversity loss. In our new article, we assess a relative impact, globally and regionally. As a result we can map out sort of a "priority map".
Atlantis-ERC ATLANTIS visits second graders Francesca Verones and Martin Dorber visited a second class in Trondheim to teach and inform about plastic and its environmental impacts. We talked about how plastics are made, how much is thrown away and what happens with the plastic that is not properly managed. The children were very engaged and
Atlantis-ERC "Plastic day" / "Plastdagen" in Trondheim Guest author: Gabrielle Häberli Time: 12th of October 2023 Location: Dokkhuset, Trondheim. Plastics – incredibly useful Plastic is an umbrella term describing a wide range of materials often perceived as "non-natural". They date back more than 100 years although their production only really "took flight" as an
LCIA group The ISIE2023 conference in Leiden People with interests in the field of Industrial Ecology from around the world gathered in the city of Leiden (Netherlands) from the 2nd to the 5th of July. They met for the conference set up by the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE). The overall theme was "transitions in